Real Assets: Trends to Keep an Eye on in 2023

.attr(‘id’, ‘facebook-jssdk’)
.attr(‘async’, ‘true’)
.attr(‘defer’, ‘true’)
.attr(‘src’, ‘‘)


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true WhatsApp's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initWhatsAppButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure WhatsApp button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.whatsAppWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.whatsApp);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Email's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initEmailButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Email button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.emailWidget :;


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Pinterest's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initPinterestButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Pinterest button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.pinterestWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.pinterest);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Reddit's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initRedditButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Reddit button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.redditWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.reddit);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Tumblr's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initTumblrButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Tumblr button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.tumblrWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.tumblr);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Pocket's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initPocketButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Pocket button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.pocketWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.pocket);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Telegram's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initTelegramButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Telegram button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.telegramWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.telegram);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Hacker News's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initHackerNewsButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Hacker News button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.hackerNewsWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.hackerNews);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true VKontakte's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initVKontakteButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure VKontakte button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.vkontakteWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.vkontakte);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true XING's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initXINGButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure XING button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.xingWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.xing);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Renren's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initRenrenButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Renren button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.renrenWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.renren);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Weibo's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initWeiboButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Weibo button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.weiboWidget :;


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Line's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initLineButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Line button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.lineWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.line);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Viber's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initViberButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Viber button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.viberWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.viber);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Print's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initPrintButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Print button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.printWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.print);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Copy Link's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initCopyLinkButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Copy Link button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.copyLinkWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.copyLink);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true More's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initMoreButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure More button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.moreWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.more);


         * Initialize the social sharing buttons based on the configuration
        var init = function () {

            // check if the container element exists
            if (_$portlet.length === 0) {
                console.error('Social sharing container element not found.');

            // initialize the social sharing buttons based on the configuration
            if (_CONFIG.facebook) {
            if (_CONFIG.twitter) {
            if (_CONFIG.linkedin) {
            if (_CONFIG.whatsApp) {
            if ( {
            if (_CONFIG.pinterest) {
            if (_CONFIG.reddit) {
            if (_CONFIG.tumblr) {
            if (_CONFIG.pocket) {
            if (_CONFIG.telegram) {
            if (_CONFIG.hackerNews) {
            if (_CONFIG.vkontakte) {
            if (_CONFIG.xing) {
            if (_CONFIG.renren) {
            if ( {
            if (_CONFIG.line) {
            if (_CONFIG.viber) {
            if (_CONFIG.print) {
            if (_CONFIG.copyLink) {
            if (_CONFIG.more) {


        return {
            init: init


    // initialize the social sharing buttons


social-link .fb-share-button script’, _$portlet).remove();
.attr(‘id’, ‘facebook-jssdk’)
.attr(‘async’, true)
.attr(‘defer’, true)
.attr(‘src’, ‘‘)


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true WhatsApp's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initWhatsAppButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure WhatsApp button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.whatsAppWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.whatsApp);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Email's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initEmailButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Email button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.emailWidget :;


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Pinterest's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initPinterestButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Pinterest button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.pinterestWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.pinterest);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Reddit's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initRedditButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Reddit button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.redditWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.reddit);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Tumblr's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initTumblrButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Tumblr button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.tumblrWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.tumblr);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Pocket's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initPocketButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Pocket button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.pocketWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.pocket);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Telegram's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initTelegramButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Telegram button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.telegramWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.telegram);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Hacker News's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initHackerNewsButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Hacker News button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.hackerNewsWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.hackerNews);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true VK's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initVKButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure VK button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.vkWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.vk);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true XING's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initXINGButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure XING button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.xingWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.xing);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Mix's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initMixButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Mix button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.mixWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.mix);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Instapaper's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initInstapaperButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Instapaper button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.instapaperWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.instapaper);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Line's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initLineButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Line button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.lineWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.line);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Viber's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initViberButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Viber button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.viberWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.viber);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Print's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initPrintButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Print button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.printWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.print);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true Copy's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initCopyButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure Copy button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.copyWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.copy);


         * @param includeWidget {boolean} If true More's own button widget is loaded, custom button otherwise
        var _initMoreButton = function (includeWidget) {

            // configure More button
            var buttonDom = $.parseHTML(includeWidget ? _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.moreWidget : _BUTTON_TEMPLATES.more);


         * Initializes the social sharing buttons based on the configuration provided
        var init = function () {

            if (_config) {

                // initialize each social button based on the configuration
                if (_config.twitter) {
                if (_config.linkedIn) {
                if (_config.facebook) {
                if (_config.whatsApp) {
                if ( {
                if (_config.pinterest) {
                if (_config.reddit) {
                if (_config.tumblr) {
                if (_config.pocket) {
                if (_config.telegram) {
                if (_config.hackerNews) {
                if (_config.vk) {
                if (_config.xing) {
                if (_config.mix) {
                if (_config.instapaper) {
                if (_config.line) {
                if (_config.viber) {
                if (_config.print) {
                if (_config.copy) {
                if (_config.more) {



        return {
            init: init


    return SocialShare;


// Initialize social share buttons
var socialShare = new SocialShare({
    twitter: true,
    twitterWidget: true,
    linkedIn: true,
    linkedInWidget: true,
    facebook: true,
    facebookWidget: true,
    whatsApp: true,
    whatsAppWidget: true,
    email: true,
    emailWidget: true,
    pinterest: true,
    pinterestWidget: true,
    reddit: true,
    redditWidget: true,
    tumblr: true,
    tumblrWidget: true,
    pocket: true,
    pocketWidget: true,
    telegram: true,
    telegramWidget: true,
    hackerNews: true,
    hackerNewsWidget: true,
    vk: true,
    vkWidget: true,
    xing: true,
    xingWidget: true,
    mix: true,
    mixWidget: true,
    instapaper: true,
    instapaperWidget: true,
    line: true,
    lineWidget: true,
    viber: true,
    viberWidget: true,
    print: true,
    printWidget: true,
    copy: true,
    copyWidget: true,
    more: true,
    moreWidget: true


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